PRS Reform Plans Move Forward as Industry Body Attends Govt Talks
As the UK government attempts to look ahead to life without restrictions, it is once again moving forward with discussion on reforms to the country's Private Rental Sector (PRS).
As the UK government attempts to look ahead to life without restrictions, it is once again moving forward with discussion on reforms to the country's Private Rental Sector (PRS).
As the UK government promotes its aspirations for homes across the country to have an energy or EPC rating of C or above, some tips have been shared to help landlords achieve this.
As England moves another week towards further easing of coronavirus-related restrictions, recent reports highlight that the way in which the lettings industry operates and tenants engage with it, are changing.
The UK government has extended temporary rules allowing Letting Agents to conduct Right to Rent checks via video rather than in person, from May 17 to June 20, 2021.
With Universities welcoming back in-person learning, many students will be planning to return to their student homes. At the same time, first year students for the 2021-2022 academic year will also begin considering where they will live when they take their next step in higher education.
With more people in the UK renting than ever before, there have been an increasing number of calls for more regulation of the lettings industry including qualifications and licensing requirements.